Experience The Awakening Live &

Transform Your Life from Your Living Room

Know Yourself, Love Yourself, Embrace Yourself - Without Boundaries

In person tickets are SOLD OUT, however you can attend virtually.

Registration close Midnight 4-4-2024

The Awakening: A Transformative Virtual Journey

The Awakening, experience this event virtually specifically designed to redefine your perception of self and surroundings from the comfort of your home.

This event is a call to women everywhere to venture into a journey of self-discovery, self-love, and full embrace of the life they truly deserve, irrespective of their location.

April 5th & 6th

Why should you attend the Awakening Virtually?

Immerse yourself in the comfort of your home

  • Live Group Meditation:

    Participate in live-streamed, guided meditation sessions aimed at instilling tranquility and clarity within your personal sanctuary.

  • Deep Personal Growth:

    With a focus squarely on personal development, this journey allows you to dive deep into self-exploration without the external focus on networking. It's a time to reflect, grow, and connect with your inner self.

  • Build Your Virtual Community:

    While the journey emphasizes personal growth, it also opens doors to forming connections with like-minded individuals in a virtual space, enabling you to share insights and experiences that transcend geographical boundaries.

  • Digital Training Workbook:

    Receive a digital workbook designed to accompany you through each step of The Awakening, enriching your experience with guided exercises and reflections.

Your Virtual Awakening Journey Awaits

This is an opportunity to connect with your inner warrior and empower yourself to inspire both yourself and others, no matter where you are in the world. It's a chance to rediscover who you are, foster self-love, and embrace your full potential in an empowering virtual environment.

Experience the Awakening Virtually for only $99.00


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Wealth Connection Global, LLC | (786) 977-8161 | 18851 NE 29th Avenue Unit 601 Aventura, FL 33180

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